Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co.,Ltd
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Tel:+86 0537-2270579
Fax:+86 0537-2270579
African resources and environment research center (African think tank) ... 2019-12-24
President of the romanian association of building contractors... 2019-12-16
SDWP won the honorary title of "municipal excellent water conservancy enterprise"... 2019-10-17
SDWP won the QC group competition... 2019-10-12
Opening ceremony of Gandharbpur water plant project in Bangladesh... 2019-10-11
Mr.JIA Baoli visit the Gandharbpur Intake project... 2019-10-10
Work meeting of DESWSP project department... 2019-10-02
Shuifa construction group co., LTD. hold the operation and production analysis... 2019-09-30
Inspection in Bangladesh DESWSP project department of Yang Qingyun, General manager... 2019-09-27
SDWP Won "advanced enterprise" honorary title of the national water conservancy... 2019-09-25
Shuifa Construction group participate the fourth "The Shuifa Energy Cup"... 2019-09-23
Bangladesh DESWSP project department of SDWP International company organized safety education... 2019-09-02
SDWP actively deployed actions against typhoon "Lekima" 2019-08-13
Bangladesh DESWSP project site of SDWP international company celebrate Eid al-adha... 2019-08-12
New trend in garbage classification at the Bangladesh DESWSP project site of SDWP international company... 2019-07-19
Accelerating progress mobilization meeting in the flood season held By SDWP international ... 2019-07-19
Organization of Water supply ceremony for the second phase of Yellow River East transfer... 2019-07-03
Visit to the Embassy of South Sudan for cooperation... 2019-06-14
SDWP International Working Conference held in Bangladesh... 2019-06-10
SDWP awarded Double Excellent Enterprise Title in the national ... 2019-06-06
Successful completion of super-long distance double line pipe jacking ... 2019-05-27
Strong dredged ships in Bangladesh prepared for facing Farney ... 2019-05-13
SDWP successfully signed Dhaka Environmentally ... 2019-04-12


Copyright  Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co.,Ltd
Add:No. Ten East Road, 33399 Shuifa tower, Ji'nan (The intersection of ten East Road and Tang Ye Xi Road)    Tel:+86 0531 80876106